If you watch way too much TV, is against the war, and care about the environment, there is a pretty high chance that you are a communist or even better; you could be the Antichrist. Yippee! Thanks to Neuro Linguistic Programming and Neuro Associative programming. The red colour is a Neuro-Associative re-conditioning for the RED flag. We have all been brainwashed to communism. I have read from a fellow nurse-blogger who came across
this information from nutters he would rather not link to so as not to increase their website’s Google ranking.
I tested it the other day by staring hard at the red BBC logo. Et Voilà! :
“Wala tayong maaasahang
Bathala o manunubos
Kayát ang ating kaligtasáy
Nasa ating pagkilos.
Manggagawa bawiin ang yaman
Kaisipáy palayain
Ang maso ay ating hawakan
Kinabukasáy pandayin…”
I was singing the communist anthem whilst marching to an imaginary orchestra playing "La Marseillaise". I also couldn't stop raising my left arm with hands clenched as if I was a puppet and some mysterious power was pulling the strings. Scary.
This reminded me of my gramps (
I mentioned in my previous post here ) who showed us in the 80’s that by erasing a few of the sun’s rays in the RPN 9 ( a local Philippine TV network ) logo, you can come up with the hammer and sickle communist symbol. He told us of the subliminal message that will apparently prepare us for the revolutionary takeover. Then came another historic period in my childhood TV life. ‘Voltes V’ was banned by President Marcos. Children all over the land cried as they really love the action-packed anime series. How could children understand the political messages ‘hidden’ inside the story line is beyond me.
“Speculations abound that the show could be used by activists who might use it as a tool to create a revolution similar to the Ilokula, or use it as part of a class struggle leading to socialism or communism, or the freeing of the "slave" class in the Philippines (Voltes V might serve as a code name by the rebels and its song as a password, such as the phenomena of
Grândola Vila Morena in
Carnation Revolution in
1974).” Another issue claimed by some was that the Emperor Zambajil's name (sometimes spelled Zambojil or Zambujil) was changed into Ferdinand, General Bergan's name was changed to Fabian or Vergan(for
Fabian Ver - Marcos's Chief-of-Staff of the Philippine Military at that time), etc. which intended to mock the administration. Also, Voltes V was planning a people's revolution throughout the series and Marcos feared he would end up like Zambajil, overthrown by his own people including the "nobility". [
wikipedia] Ha ha ha ha!!!

I couldn’t find that old logo but the simple RPN in red background will do just fine. “What utter bonkers!” I thought. Okey, Benedicto, the founder of the TV station is from Negros where peasants working in large tracts of sugar plantation were dying everyday of starvation: good ground for mass uprising, but how could a super-rich media tycoon like him allowed subliminal messages about his downfall on his network? Well, just like Ripley’s ‘
Believe It or Not’, after the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, all of the stocks and assets of RPN were sequestered by the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) under Aquino. Not exactly communist, but still revolutionary at that time.
That was twenty years ago. Now you can watch 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus' in the Discovery Channel without the annoying dictator pulling the plug. And nobody takes the mick when an arch-conservative cardinal in his Lenten Speech last week gives a warning of an Antichrist who is “a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist”. It's funny that the Antichrist is a bit like Christ Himself. LOL!
Labels: Culture, Politics, Religion